Primo Periodo - First Period (1957 - 1965)
Periodo caratterizzato da pitture ad olio nelle quali i colori sono applicati in modo che le luci risaltano. I colori sono forti. In questo periodo l'artista teneva uno studio alla fortezza Primar di Savona. I dipinti raffigurano, per la maggioranza, il porto di Savona di notte, la fortezza Primar di Savona e vicoli di Genova. La tecnica usata è quella di portare i colori sulla tela o tavoletta con una spatola.
Period distinguished by oil paints in which the colors are applied in a manner that the lights stand out. The colors are strong. In this period the artist held an atelier into the Primar fortress of Savona. The paintings depict, for the majority, the port of Savona at night, the Priamar fortress of Savona and alleys of Genoa. The technique used is to bring the colors on the canvas or tablet with a spatula.
Period distinguished by oil paints in which the colors are applied in a manner that the lights stand out. The colors are strong. In this period the artist held an atelier into the Primar fortress of Savona. The paintings depict, for the majority, the port of Savona at night, the Priamar fortress of Savona and alleys of Genoa. The technique used is to bring the colors on the canvas or tablet with a spatula.
*1: Premiata dall'Ente per la Cultura di Hiroshima - Awarded by the Hiroshima Culture Institute
*2: Premio villa San Giovanni - Villa San Giovanni Prize
*3: Premio 2a Mostra nazionale del bozzetto - Ancona - 2nd prize National Sketch Exhibition - Ancona
*2: Premio villa San Giovanni - Villa San Giovanni Prize
*3: Premio 2a Mostra nazionale del bozzetto - Ancona - 2nd prize National Sketch Exhibition - Ancona
Secondo Periodo - Second Period (1967 - 1970)
Periodo caratterizzato da pitture ad olio nelle quali i colori sono applicati in modo che le luci risaltano. I colori sono forti. In questo periodo l'artista raffigurò corpi e volti per la prima volta. I dipinti raffigurano, per la maggioranza, i pescatori liguri. Qui l'artista usò dei pennelli invece di una spatola.
Period distinguished by oil paints in which the colors are applied in a manner that the lights stand out. The colors are strong. During this period the artist depicted bodies and faces for the first time. The paintings are, for the most part, Ligurian fishermen. Here the artist used brushes instead of a spatula.
Period distinguished by oil paints in which the colors are applied in a manner that the lights stand out. The colors are strong. During this period the artist depicted bodies and faces for the first time. The paintings are, for the most part, Ligurian fishermen. Here the artist used brushes instead of a spatula.
Terzo Periodo - Third Period (1971 - 1975)
In questo periodo il pittore si è cimentato in pitture con diversi cerchi raffiguranti un energia intensa. I colori sono anche adesso forti. In questo periodo l'artista stava passando un momento difficile nella sua vita ed in questo modo reagiva nella disperazione evidenziando i suoi pensieri e sentimenti su tela. Lo sfogo è ben visibile nelle pennellate forti e concise.
During this period, the painter has challenged himself in paintings with different circles depicting intense energy. The colors are also strong now. During this period the artist was going through a difficult time in his life and in that way reacted in despair by highlighting his thoughts and feelings on canvas. The vent is well visible in strong and concise brushstrokes.
During this period, the painter has challenged himself in paintings with different circles depicting intense energy. The colors are also strong now. During this period the artist was going through a difficult time in his life and in that way reacted in despair by highlighting his thoughts and feelings on canvas. The vent is well visible in strong and concise brushstrokes.
Quarto Periodo - Fourth Period (1980 - 1995)
Nel 1980 l'artista si trasferì nei Paesi Bassi, in un paesaggio tinto di colori diversi, meno accesi e dovette adeguarsi. Dalla pittura ad olio si spostò ad acquarelli. Trovò in essi il modo per raffigurare in meglio i paesaggi tipici olandesi, con cieli nuvolosi e soli bassi sull'orizzonte. Fu anche una scelta doverosa visto l'allora spazio limitato a disposizione. Questo fu il suo ultimo periodo.
In 1980 the artist moved to The Netherlands, in a landscape stained with different colors, less bright and had to adapt. From the oil painting he moved to watercolors. In them he found a better way to depict the typical Dutch landscapes with cloudy skies and low suns on the horizon. It was also a necessary choice given the limited space available then. This was his last period.
In 1980 the artist moved to The Netherlands, in a landscape stained with different colors, less bright and had to adapt. From the oil painting he moved to watercolors. In them he found a better way to depict the typical Dutch landscapes with cloudy skies and low suns on the horizon. It was also a necessary choice given the limited space available then. This was his last period.
Durante una sua ultima mostra, tenutasi ad Amstelveen, Paesi Bassi, l'artista esperimentò delle composizioni ottenute da frammenti di tele dei suoi quadri precedenti. Utilizzò opere del terzo periodo e propose così una nuova fase. Dato il numero basso delle creazioni, comunque, non si può parlare di un vero e proprio periodo.
During one last exhibition, held in Amstelveen, The Netherlands, the artist experimented with compositions obtained from fragments of canvases from his previous paintings. He used works from the third period and proposed in this way a new phase. Given the low number of creations, however, one can not speak of a real period.
During one last exhibition, held in Amstelveen, The Netherlands, the artist experimented with compositions obtained from fragments of canvases from his previous paintings. He used works from the third period and proposed in this way a new phase. Given the low number of creations, however, one can not speak of a real period.
Opere non più in possesso - Works no longer in possession
Queste sono opere che non sono più in possesso della famiglia, ma che sono state vendute o date in donazione a musei di cui si è trovata ancora una fotografia. Saranno aggiunte ogni qual volta saranno ritrovate delle fotografie.
These are works that are no longer in the family's possession, but have been sold or donated to museums of which a photograph was still found. They will be added whenever new pictures show up.
These are works that are no longer in the family's possession, but have been sold or donated to museums of which a photograph was still found. They will be added whenever new pictures show up.